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著作权转换性使用作为判定新型合理使用行为的一个重要因素,有着重要的理论价值和实践意义。然而,在我国转换性使用的司法实践中,却存在着对转换性使用体系认知不足、释法路径不当,以及运作体系不畅的现实困境。从本质上而言,转换性使用蕴含着促进公共利益的直接价值取向,但其并不具有独立判定合理使用成立与否的规则效力。基于此,为了更好地发挥转换性使用的内在价值和功能,一方面需要确立开放式合理使用的一般规则,进一步规范转换性使用的司法判定,以增强合理使用分析的灵活性和可操作性;另一方面,需要明确转换性合理使用的法定情形,以提升合理使用分析的确定性和周延性。  相似文献   

Most of the literature on state transformation focuses on China’s relations with African, Asian and Latin American countries and the National Oil Companies’ overseas expansion to show that China has become fragmented, decentralised and internationalised. This article contributes novel findings by focusing on China’s relations with Europe and the actions of China’s National Nuclear Companies (NNCs). It shows that NNCs, which have become relatively autonomous actors, often pursue their agendas of expansion into Europe without much coordination with, or even in contradiction to, other ministries’ agendas and interests, especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Instead of being orchestrated by the central government, their expansion reflects considerable disorganisation and sometimes undermines China’s official strategy. The article demonstrates this through case studies of NNCs’ involvement in the UK and Romania.  相似文献   

As the largest source of carbon-free energy in the United States, nuclear energy must play a vital role in reducing emissions. This article suggests the Green New Deal, an ambitious federal proposal to address climate change, should aim to preserve the existing nuclear fleet by authorizing states to establish zero emission credit (“ZEC”) programs. The ZEC programs will provide credits, in the form of revenue, for the carbon-free attribute of nuclear energy. This article posits the ZEC programs should be based on a model ZEC program developed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and explicitly authorized by amendment of the Federal Power Act to avoid issues of preemption.  相似文献   
从福岛核电站事故到日本政府排海方案,存在核污染风险的法律规制问题。排海方案实施行为违背多项国际环境保护义务。日本环境法规制在福岛事故前后发生变化,《放射性污染特措法》对日本国内核污染进行系统法律规制。国内法规制体系相对严格使得日本政府将核废水从国内排放转移到海洋排放。核污染风险法律预防需要突破剩余风险的限制,不能够按照达标排污即合规的常规预防思路,而应当采取特别预防,从风险的内涵定位、判断要素、禁令诉讼等多方面对其规制路径进行整体建构。  相似文献   
美国奥巴马政府上台以来,为应对核恐怖主义对美国国家安全造成的严峻威胁,提升国际社会应对核安全威胁的能力,重塑美国在核领域的领导地位,积极推动由各国首脑参加的核安全峰会。经过四届核安全峰会,国际社会在促进凝聚核安全共识、设定合作重点并推动核安全全球治理的建章立制等方面取得了诸多成果,但也面临着在后峰会时代保持国际合作势头、明确和完善核安全全球治理范畴以及进一步完善均衡的核安全全球治理机制等挑战。为确保核安全全球治理在后峰会时代的可持续发展,国际社会应在治理范畴方面分清主次,在治理模式方面坚持全球合作治理与国家治理相结合,发挥国际原子能机构的核心作用。拥有大量核材料与先进核安全技术的大国在全球治理中负有特殊责任,理应发挥表率作用。  相似文献   
经过20多年的艰苦努力,毕节试验区牢牢把握"开发扶贫、生态建设、人口控制"三大主题,走出了一条在贫困地区实现经济、社会与人口、资源、环境协调发展的新路子。针对三大主题之一的‘开发扶贫’,探讨其内涵、实践探索及建议。  相似文献   
落实党的基本路线,搞好发展这一第一要务,实现人民群众的根本利益,是党组织和党员干部的职责所在,也应当成为价值取向和目标追求。2011年8月,毕节试验区启动发展型党组织的创新实践,充分调动各级党组织和广大党员干部的积极性,既实现了党组织和党员干部自身的科学发展,又必将推动经济社会的发展,为社会主义现代化建设提供保障。  相似文献   
校风建设是学校办学的一项重要工作,校园历来是国家推广普通话的主阵地。做好校园推普工作既是对国家语言政策的落实,也是对优良校风的积极促进,可以通过开设课程、实施测试以及举办相关语言类课外活动等为学院注入新的精神活力。  相似文献   
日本早在上个世纪60年代,就已建立了较为完善的原子能立法体系,因此才能在福岛核电站事故发生后较为从容地应对核损害赔偿问题.中国自上个世纪70年代起也开始发展和利用核能,与快速发展的核能事业不相符的是,我国关于核损害赔偿的法律制度仍然处于缺失状态,如何对可能发生的核事故进行及时、有效的赔偿是未来我国核能发展面临的重要课题.因此,我们有必要在比较研究外国立法的基础之上来修正我国的立法.  相似文献   
Short tandem repeat (STR) profiling is one of the mostly used systems for forensic applications. In certain circumstances, STR profiling is time-consuming and costly, which potentially leads to delays in criminal investigations. LGC (Laboratory of the Government Chemist, UK) Forensics has developed a robust STR profiling platform called the ParaDNA® Intelligence Test System which can provide early tactical intelligence and aid investigators in making informed decisions on sample prioritization for detection. Here, we validated the ParaDNA intelligence test for its application in forensic cases using a range of mock evidence items following guidelines set by the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM). Specifically, we tested the sensitivity and accuracy of the ParaDNA intelligence test, as well as the success rates for detecting mock samples and for use in case scenarios. Our findings demonstrate that the ParaDNA intelligence test generates useful DNA profiles, especially for samples such as blood, saliva, and semen that contain ample DNA, indicating the benefits of including ParaDNA as a prior step in forensic STR profiling pipelines.  相似文献   
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